The CJGA Parent/Junior Championships is one of the most unique parts of the Chad Johansen Golf Academy golf programs. These events are meant to be FUN, enjoyable, and an experience that the family can share together.
A team is comprised of one junior and one adult. The junior player must participate in one of the Chad Johansen Golf Academy programs. The adult may be a parent, aunt/uncle, or even a grandparent. At each tournament the two person team will play a Modified Alternate Shot. Modified Alternate Shot is when both players tee off, then pick the best drive and then alternate playing one ball until it is holed. Juniors ages 5-6 will play from the 100 yard markers, ages 7-11 will play from the Family Tees, and ages 12+ will play from the Red Tees. Parents will play from tees that are based off their golf handicap.