What is the PGA Junior League?
PGA Junior League Golf (PGA JLG) is designed to better socialize the game for boys and girls, ages 13 and under. PGA JLG features team vs. team competitions in structured leagues that provide a popular, less stressful scramble format as opposed to stroke-play competition. This is a great way to get kids involved in the game!
PGA Junior League at Blackberry Oaks
Blackberry Oaks Golf Course is excited to be hosting a PGA Junior Golf League for the 2016 golf season! This is a great program for kids to get involved with all aspects of the game. The junior league season at Blackberry Oaks will consist of weekly team practices at the course along with 5-6 season competitions. Registration will begin March 1st of 2016. The registration cost is a one-time fee of $200.
All Players in the junior league will receive the following:
- Team Jerseys
- Golf balls & a PGA bag tag
- Team practices throughout the summer
- 5-6 regular season competitions
- Team practices throughout the summer
- FREE Golf after 5pm at Blackberry Oaks GC
- Much MORE…….
Cost: $200
**Search for program by zip code 60512**
By: Mitchell Smith, PGA
When somebody new to golf first starts out they wonder, "How am I supposed to hold the club? Why do I keep swinging and missing this little white ball? This could not be more embarrassing!"
Golf for anybody is a difficult sport; even the best of the best struggle with controlling their game. However playing as a team can ease these initial frustrations. For the golfer who has barely been on the course the idea of now having a partner to help with those long shots makes the game much easier. Now the beginner also won't be stuck in the bunker hitting shot after shot not being able to get out. Now with that partner even the shots that seem impossible are accomplishable. After a while that golfer who "just started" will be amazed to see his or her own game improve from learning from a better player without even realizing it, and becoming a more important part of the "team" through more experience and play.
So is a program like PGA JLG only meant for beginners? The quick and simple answer to this question is NO. Golfers at every level can learn something new and can learn from each other every day. Experienced players can learn to be leaders and mentors, and can take risks with their shots knowing that their teammates will back them up with their own emerging talents they can "go for the green" without fear and try the “low percentage” shots in competition.
If you are a parent looking for a great opportunity for your child to experience golf this summer in a fun, recreational, team format, check out the website to locate a team near you (look under the “Find Facility” tab). No need to ask, “Is my 9 year old really ready or is my 13 year old too advanced for this” - the answer is that no matter where your son or daughter might be with their game, he or she will have fun and grow with a PGA Junior League Golf summer experience. Many Birdies!
**Search for program by zip code 60512**